Railwire Broadband Unlimited Tariff Plan:
- 256 kbps - Rs. 320/-
- 512 kbps - Rs. 620/-
- 1 Mbps - Rs. 920/-
[caption id="attachment_4612" align="aligncenter" width="460" caption="Railtel and Rewire."]
Railwire Tariff Plan based on Usage: Under this plan you will pay monthly Rental + Total Data Consumed which calculated as 25 paisa per MB.
- 256 Kbps - 50/-
- 512 Kbps - 80/-
- 1 Mbps - 110/-
- 2 Mbps - 140/-
- 4 Mbps - 230/-
- 8 Mbps - 380/-
- 16 Mbps - 710/-
- 32 Mbps - 1370/-
RailWire is an initiative of the RailTel Corporation of India Limited (RailTel), a Government of India enterprise, with a mission to make available "ICT to Common Man" & "Internet, Education and Health Services to Masses".
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