While preparing to write a blog post, I noticed that Blogger now allows users to replace the Blogger profile with a more up-to-date Google+ profile.

[caption id="attachment_466" align="aligncenter" width="488" caption="Connect to Google+"]Use your Google+ profile with your Blogger blogs[/caption]

How it works

Your public Google+ profile will replace your Blogger profile
Your profile gadget will show information, including your common name, from your public Google+ profile instead of your Blogger profile
Your posts and comments will link to your public Google+ profile
This change will affect all your blogs: THE Directory, OFFICIAL BLOG PLZ, Premium Links generator, Download or Watch Movies Online For Free and 1 more
Important notes

Upon switching to your Google+ profile, you will have the option of reverting back to your Blogger profile for 30 days. After that, your Blogger profile data will be deleted.
Information on your Blogger profile won’t be transferred to your Google+ profile, so copy your Blogger profile information to your Google+ profile before switching

I’ve read the above and fully understand that my public Google+ profile will now be associated with all of my blogs, and I’m ready to switch to Google+ profile on Blogger.

To make the change, edit your Blogger profile by doing the following:

  • Visit Blogger in draft

  • In the upper left-hand corner, click on the down arrow next to your email address

  • Select Blogger profile

  • On the left-hand side, click Edit Profile

  • Click Get Started from within the yellow flag (see image below)

  • Scroll down the page and check the box stating that you understand what is about to happen.

  • Click on the Switch Now button

  • Log into Blogger in Draft

At this point, your Blogger profile should now be connected to Google+. Congratulations!

If you contribute to multiple blogs, Blogger now asks if you want to show those blogs on your profile (see below). Select the blogs you want and click Add Blogs.


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