f you Huawei Modem or dongle have big problem then try this tool that may resolve or repair it. Huawei Mobile Doctor is a great tool made by Huawei company itself. Mobile Doctor tool can diagnose and repair the common issues which users encounter when they are using Huawei data card. It is independent of modem dashboard. As per its official website it support Windows XP/Vista/7 operating systems. But, in my test Mobile Doctor worked me without encountering any problem in Windows 8 also you canDownload Mobile Doctor here.
Huawei mobile doctor
What issues Mobile Doctor can resolve ?
  • Dashboard cannot detect device (e.g. Autorun feature is disabled; Driver is removed; )
  • SIM card is not inserted datacard properly
  • Device band is incorrect
  • Dashboard’s dial profile is not the default one
  • Check network card status
How to Diagnose Huawei Mobile Problem :
1. Download and run Mobile Doctor, diagnose process will start, diagnose result will be showed on the right.
diagnose mobile modem
2. Click on the Repair button to start repairing.
3. After a few minute repair process will be finished and  result will be showed as.
mobile pop up
Note : To run it you are required to run it as administrator priviledge. If you are not an admin user, Mobile Doctor will popup a dialog


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