Do you want to upload a large file to free file hosting? You will not be permitted to upload a 1 GB file. You have to split the file into several parts so you can upload the file. And, to split file into several parts, the file should be compressed first.

You can use 7-Zip to compress the file, it’s free and light. Compress your files using the format .7z.

1. Open “Windows Explorer“, right click on your file or folder, then choose “7-Zip” - “Add to archive

[caption id="attachment_441" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="7-Zip"]ight click on your file or folder, then choose “7-Zip” – “Add to archive”[/caption]


2. Setup the split file option.

[caption id="attachment_442" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="Setup Option"]Setup the split file option.[/caption]


3. Click “OK” to start the compression, your file will be automatically splitted into several parts.


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