RBI ASSISTANT EXAM Solved Question Paper Download PDF file also in bottom
In the RBI Assistant Exam questions were asked from the important segments like Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, English, General Awareness & Computer Aptitude.
Test TTeesstt Test- -- -I: Reasoning I: Reasoning I: Reasoning I: Reasoning
1. How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters PCYO
using all the letters, but each letter only once in each word?
1) None 2) One 3) Two
4) Three 5) More than three
2. The positions of the first and fifth letter of the word SUITABLE are
interchanged. Similarly, the positions of second and sixth letter, third and seventh
letter, and fourth and eighth letter are interchanged. In the New arrangement, how
many letters are there in the English alphabetical series between the alphabet
which is third from the left end and the alphabet which is second from the right
1) None 2) One 3) Two
4) Four 5) More than four
Directions (Q.3-4): Read the following information carefully and answer the
questions which follow.
Among A,B,C,D and E, each scored different marks in an examination. only one
person scored more than C. E scored more than A but less than D. D did not score
the highest marks. The one who scored the second lowest scored 71% marks. C
scored 92% marks.
3. Who among the following is most likely to have scored 87% marks?
1) A 2) B 3) D
4) E 5) Either A or D
4. Which of the following percentages is most likely to be B's percentage in the
1) 68% 2) 71% 3) 84%
4) 76% 5) 97%
Directions (Q.5-7): The following questions are based on the alphabetical
series given below.
5. What will come in place of question(?) mark in the following series based on the
above alphabetical series?
1) UKR 2) SRKU 3) RKUF
4) QSRK 5) FUK
6. If in a certain code, 'BIND' is coded as 'CLGB' and 'HELD' is coded as 'FDJB'
based on the series given above How will 'FORK' be coded in the same code
7. 'HC' is related to 'KQ' in a certain way. Similarly, 'OG' is related to 'AB' in the
same way. To which of the following is 'RK' related following the same pattern?
1) TJ 2) SI 3) TI
4) HD 5) IM
8. Each vowel of the word SAVOURY is changed to the next letter in the English
alphabetical series and each consonant is changed to the previous letter in the
English alphabetical series. If the new alphabets thus formed are arranged in
alphabetical order (from left to right), which of the following will be fifth from
the right?
1) U 2) R 3) Q
4) P 5) X
9. How many such pairs of letter are there in the word PACKETS, each of which
has as many letters between them in the word (in both forward and backward
directions) as they have between them in the English alphabetical series?
1) One 2) Two 3) Three
4) Four 5) More than four
10. Point P is 10 m to the West of Point A. Point B is 2m to the South of Point P.
Point Q is 6m to the East of Point B. Point C is 2m to the North of Point Q. Which
of the following three points fall in a straight line?
1) A,C,P 2) B, C,P 3) Q,C,A
4) A,B,Q 5) A,B,C
Directions (Q. 11-15): In these questions, relationship between different
elements is shown in the statement. The statements are following by two
conclusions. Give answer
1) if only conclusion I is true
2) if only conclusion II is true
3) if either conclusion I or II is true
4) if neither conclusion I nor II is true
5) if both conclusions I and II are true
11. Statements: H
I = J. K
Conclusions: I. K < H II. L > I
12. Statements: S > C
O; P < C
Conclusions: I. O < P II. S > p
13. Statements: A = B
C; A > R
Conclusions: I. B > R II. R < C
14. Statements: D > E
F; J < F
Conclusions: I. D > J II. E < J
15. Statements: P < Q > T; R
Conclusions: I. R > P II. T < R
Directions (Q. 16-20): Study the following information to answer the given
Eight People are sitting in two parallel rows containing four people each in such
a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1, A,B C
and D are sitting (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing
North. In row 2, P, Q, R and S are sitting (but not necessarily in the same order)
and all of them are facing South. Therefore, in the given section arrangement, each
member sitting in a row faces another member of the other row. S sits second to
left of Q. A faces the immediate neighbour of S. Only one person
sits between A and C. P does not face A. B is not an immediate neighbour of A.
16. Which of the following is true regarding D?
1) D sits an one of the extreme ends of the line.
2) A sits on the immediate left D.
3) Q faces D.
4) C is an immediate neighbour of D.
5) No immediate neighbour of D faces R.
17. Who among the following faces C?
1) P 2) Q 3) R
4) S 5) Cannot be determined
18. Who among the following sits on the immediate right of the person who faces
1) P 2) Q 3) R
4) S 5) Cannot be determined
19. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given seating
arrangement and thus form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that
1) A 2) Q 3) R
4) B 5) S
20. Who among the following faces R?
1) A 2) B 3) C
4) D 5) Cannot be determined
Directions (Q. 21-26): Study the following information to answer the given
In a certain code,
'time and money', is written as 'ma jo ki',
'manage time well' is written as 'pa ru jo',
'earn more money' is written as 'zi ha ma' and
'earn well enough' is written as 'si ru ha'.
21. What is the code for 'earn'?
1) si 2) ru 3) ha
4) ma 5) Cannot be determined
22. Which of the following represents 'more time'?
1) Pa jo 2) zi ki 3) ma ki
4) si jo 5) jo zi
23. What is the code for 'manage'?
1) ru 2) pa 3) jo
4) ha 5) Either 'jo' or 'ru'
24. Which of the following may represent' 'money matters'?
1) ki to 2) ma pa 3) fi ma
4) ha ma 5) ma jo
25. What does 'ru' stand for?
1) well 2) manage 3) time
4) enough 5) Either 'time' or 'enough'
26. Which of the following may represent 'good enough'?
1) ru si 2) da ha 3) si pa
4) si da 5) ki ru
Directions (Q. 27-33): Study the following information carefully and answer
given questions.
Eight friends - A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H - are sitting around a circle facing the
centre, but not necessarily in the same order. D sits third to left of A. A is an
immediate neighbour of the both F and H. Only one person sits between C and F.
B is not an immediate neighbour of D. Only one person sits between B and G.
27. A is related to G in a certain way. Similarly, C is related to H, according to the
given seating arrangement. Who among the following is related to F, following
the same pattern?
1) A 2) B 3) C
4) D 5) E
28. Who among the following sits second to the right of C?
1) F 2) A 3) D
4) G 5) H
29. What is the position of C with respect to the position of E?
1) Third to the left 2) Second to the left 3) Immediate right
4) Third to the right 5) Second to the right
30. Which of the following is true with respect to the given seating arrangement?
1) A sits on the immediate left of H.
2) B sits exactly between C and G.
3) F sits second to the right of C.
4) E is an immediate neighbour of C.
5) None is true
31. Which of the following pairs represents the immediate neighbours of G?
1) A, C 2) C, D 3) D, H
4) D, E 5) C,F
32. Who among the following sits exactly between C and F?
1) A 2) D 3) G
4) H 5) B
33. Starting from A, if all the friends are made to sit in alphabetical order in
clockwise direction, the positions of how many (excluding A) will remain
1) None 2) One 3) Two
4) Three 5) Four
Directions (Q. 34-37): In each question below are two statements followed by
two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the two given statements
to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly
known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically
follows from the given statements, disregarding commonly known
facts. Give answer.
1) if only conclusion I follows.
2) if only conclusion II follows.
3) if either conclusion I or II follows.
4) if neither conclusion I nor II follows.
5) if both conclusions I and II follow.
34. Statements: All exams are tests. No test is a question.
Conclusions: I. At least some exams are questions.
II. No exam is a question.
35. Statements: No bangle is an earring. Some earrings are rings.
Conclusions: I. No ring is a bangle.
II. Some rings are definitely not earnings.
36. Statements: Some banks are colleges. All colleges are schools.
Conclusions: I. At least some banks are schools.
II. All schools are colleges.
37. Statements: All rivers are lakes. All lakes are oceans.
Conclusions: I. All rivers are oceans.
II. At least some oceans are lakes.
Directions (Q. 38-40): Each of the questions below consists of a question and
two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether
the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read
both the statements and give answer
1) if the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the
data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
2) if the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the
data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
3) if the data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient to
answer the question.
4) if the data neither in statement I nor in statement II are sufficient to answer the
question statement
5) if the data in both the statements I and II together are necessary to answer the
38. On which date of the month was Parul born?
I. Her mother correctly remembers that she was born after 15th but before 21st
of April.
II. Her father correctly remembers that she was born after 18th but before 24th
of April.
39. How many brothers does Meghna have? Meghna is a girl.
I. Kishore, the father of Meghna, is the only child of Kamal. Kamal has only two
II. Jyoti, the daughter-in-law of Kamal, has son and a daughter.
40. Among P, Q, R, S and T, sitting in a straight line, facing North, who sits
in the middle of the line?
I. S sits third to the left of Q. S is an immediate neighbour of both P and T.
II. Two people sit between T and R. R does not sit at either of the extreme ends.
P sits second to the right of T. Test Test Test Test - -- - II: English II: English II: English II: English
Directions (Q. 41-45): Pick out the most effective word from the given words
to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete.
41. The government is planning to set ..... family welfare centres for slums in
1) another 2) with 3) for
4) in 5) up
42. Economic independence and education have women more assertive.
1) prepared 2) made 3) marked
4) resulted 5) adjusted
43. In the modern world, the ......... of change and scientific innovation is unusually
1) supplies 2) context 3) pace
4) fantasy 5) requirement
44. The unprecedented economic growth of china has ......... world wide attention.
1) perceived 2) proposed 3) neither
4) astonished 5) attracted
45. Each business activity ........... employment to people who would otherwise be
1) taking 2) finds 3) creates
4) provides 5) given
Directions (Q. 46-55): Read the following passage carefully and answer the
questions given below it. Certain words have been printed in bold to help
you locate while answering some of the questions.
The importance of communication skills cannot be underestimated, especially so,
in the teaching - learning process. Teaching is generally considered as only fifty
percent knowledge and fifty percent interpersonal or communication skills. For a
teacher, it is not just important to give a lecture rich in content that provides
abundant information about the subject or topic in question, but a successful
teacher develops an affinity with, an understanding of, and a harmonious
interrelationship with her pupils. Building rapport becomes her primary task in the
classroom. But what exactly is rapport? Rapport is a sympathetic relationship or
understanding that allows you to look at the world from someone else's
perspective. Making other people feel that you understand them creates a strong
bond. Building rapport is the first step to better communication
- the primary goal of all true educators. Communication skills for teachers
are thus as important as their in-depth knowledge of the particular subject which
they teach. To a surprising degree , how one communicates determines one's
effectiveness as a teacher. A study on communication styles suggests that 7% of
communication takes place through words, 38% through voice intonation and 55%
through body language. Much of teaching is about sending and receiving
messages. The process of communication is composed of three elements : the
source (sender, speaker, transmitter or instructor), the symbol used in composing
and transmitting of the message (words or signs), and the receiver (listener, reader
or student). The three elements are dynamically interrelated since each element is
dependent on the others for effective communication to take place. Effective
communication is all about conveying your message to the other people clearly and
unambiguously. It's also about receiving information the others are sending to you,
with as little distortion as possible. Doing this involves effort from both the sender
and the receiver. And it's a process that can be fraught with error, with messages
muddled by the sender, or misinterpreted by the reciepent. When this isn't detected
it can cause tremendous confusion, wasted effort and missed opportunity.
Good communication skills are a prerequisite for those in the teaching profession.
Carefully planned and skillfully delivered messages can issue invitations to
students that school is a place to share ideas, investigate and collaborate with
others. Effective communication is essential for a wellrun classroom. A teacher
who is able to communicate well with students can inspire them to learn and
participate in class and encourage them to come forth with their views, thus
creating a proper rapport. Although this sounds simple and obvious, it requires
much more than a teacher saying something out loud to a student. They must also
realise that all students have different levels of strengths and weaknesses.
Directions (Q. 46-47): Choose the word which is most OPPOSITE in meaning
of the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
46. Abundant
1) Small 2) Little 3) False
4) Sufficient 5) Rare
47. Muddled
1) Skillfully organised 2) Strongly controlled
3) Clearly conveyed 4) Isolated 5) Complicated
Directions (Q. 48-50): Choose the word which is most SIMILAR in meaning to
the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
48. Sounds
1) Seems 2) Corrects 3) Noises
4) Takes 5) Silences.
49. Affinity
1) Partnership 2) Partiality 3) Weakness
4) Compatibility 5) Discord
50. Degree
1) Extent 2) Goal 3) Affect
4) Situation 5) Direction
51. Which of the following is/are essential for effective communication?
(A) Conveying the message clearly
(B) Not to waste effort and opportunity
(C) Receiving the information with as little distortion as possible.
1) Only (A) and (C) 2) Only (B) 3) Only (A)
4) Only (C) 5) Only (B) and (C)
52. Which of the following is true about 'rapport' as per the passage?
(A) It is a sympathetic relationship.
(B) It is based on understanding of other people's frame of reference.
(C) It helps in creating a strong bond.
(D) It is important for teachers to build rapport with students.
1) Only (A) and (B) 2) Only (B) and (D) 3) Only (A), (B) and (D)
4) Only (A), (B) and (C) 5) All are true
53. Which of the following must the teachers keep in mind to facilitate learning in
student as per the passage?
1) To control the students such that they do not share ideas with others within the
lecture hours.
2) To maintain rapport with students and compromise on the course content.
3) To realise hat all students have different levels of strengths and weaknesses.
4) Only to keep the lecture rich in course content.
5) To ensure that students adhere to her views only.
54. Which of the following are the three elements of communication as per the
1) Source, Signs and Students
2) Source, Sender and Speaker
3) Signs, Words and Students
4) Instructor, Listener and Reader
5) Transmitter, Students and Receiver
55. Which of the following is the finding of the study on communication styles?
1) The body language and gestures account for 38% of communication and
the voice intonation.
2) Only 9% communication is about content whereas the rest is about our tone
and body language.
3) The tone of our voice accounts for 55% of what we communicate and outweighs
the body language.
4) More than 90% of our communication is not about content but about our tone
and body language.
5) Teaching is fifty percent knowledge and fifty per cent interpersonal for
communication skills.
Directions (Q. 56-65): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any
error in it. The error if any, will be in one part of the sentence.
The number of that part is the answer. If there is 'No error', the
answer is (5). (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.)
56. The economic disparity/ has grown rapid in/ the era of globalisation/
1) 2) 3) and free market forces/ No error
4) 5)
57. Research shows that people/ is more sensitive to perceiving/ messages that are
consistent/ with their opinions and attitudes./ No error
1) 2)
3) 4) 5 )
58. Many poverty alleviation schemes/ are not applicable of/ slum dwellers in
metro cities/ as they are above the poverty line/ No error
1) 2)
3) 4) 5)
59. Rather than considering its/ human capital as a drain on/ resources, India needs
to/ resource develop its into a huge opportunity./ No error
1) 2)
3) 4) 5)
60. The European nations have / become one of the / favourite destinations of the
Indian students/ seek specialised Knowledge and training./ No error
1) 2) 3)
4) 5)
61. If a credit card bill/ is paid in full and / on time, none finance/ charges are
levied./ No error
1) 2)
3) 4) 5)
62. Training have a / positive effect on / development of various/ skills and
abilities. / No error
1) 2) 3)
4) 5)
63. Lack of ability to / read or write is just one of / the all barriers that keep/ the
poor people under developed. / No error
1) 2)
3) 4) 5)
64. Science and technology have/ become dominant factors/ affecting our
economic, cultural/ and spiritual development./ No error
1) 2)
3) 4) 5)
65. A social business sells products/ at prices that make it Self- sustaining, pays /
no dividends and reinvestment / the profits in the business./ No error
1) 2)
3) 4) 5)
Directions (Q.66-75): In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which
has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and
against each five words are suggested one of which fits the blank
Find out the appropriate word in each case.
The latest technology ( 66 ) put to use or about to arrive in market must be (67 ) to
all entrepreneurs. The reason is that it may have an ( 68 ) effect on business. Valve
radio's gave way to transistor radios and with micro chips, technology is giving
to digital equipment. Business has ( 69 ) the same but the technology has kept
A notable feature is that the size of the receivers decreased ( 70 ) so did the use of
its material and consequently its price. The traditional flour mills are losing
(71 ) customers now buy flour ( 72 ) from the market. As a result of this, the business
(73 ) Following the same lines as technology, the social trends also go on changing
influence the market. The Indian sarees are being taken ( 74 ) by readymade stitched
clothes. Every entrepreneur must note such changes in the environment and also
technology and plan in ( 75 ) with these to ensure the success of his endeavour.
66. 1) to 2) needed 3) decided
4) besides 5) being
67. 1) hoped 2) welcome 3) released
4) Known 5) aware
68. 1) approximate 2) huge 3) uniform
4) excellence 5) enormous
69. 1) maintained 2) remained 3) often
4) mentioned 5) become
70. 1) mainly 2) and 3) how
4) also 5) some
71. 1) reason 2) due 3) young
4) as 5) old
72. 1) knowingly 2) ease 3) cheap
4) directly 5) forcefully
73. 1) shrinking 2) blooming 3) returned
4) same 5) small
74. 1) against 2) to 3) over
4) up 5) for
75. 1) lines 2) relativity 3) accordance
4) proper 5) toning
Directions (Q. 76-80): Rearrange the following five sentences (A), (B), (C), (D)
and (E) in a proper sequence so as to form a meaningful paragraph,
and then answer the questions given below.
(A) Understandably, the newly married woman herself wants to spend more time
with the family.
(B) They also worry that she might not be able to defend herself in case of trouble.
(C) Once married, the in-law exert a lot of pressure for similar cause of security.
(D) Initially, the family does not want the "decent" girl going all around.
(E) Retaining female workers at door-to-door sales jobs is just as hard as ever.
76. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?
1) E 2) B 3) D
4) C 5) A
77. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?
1) A 2) C 3) D
4) B 5) E
78. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?
1) D 2) B 3) C
4) E 5) A
79. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?
1) C 2) A 3) E
4) D 5) B
80. Which of the following should be the LAST (FIFTH) sentence after
1) B 2) D 3) C
Directions (Q. 81-95): What should come in place of question mark (?) in the
following questions?
81. ?
24 = 5652
1) 171.75 2) 117.25 3) 171.25
4) 117.75 5) None of these
82. 5
? = 4808
1) 122.2 2) 112.2 3) 120.2
4) 102.2 5) None of these
83. 65% of 654 - ? % of 860 = 210.1
1) 25 2) 15 3) 20
4) 30 5) None of these
84. 35154
5201 = ?
1) 9488 2) 9844 3) 9484
4) 9848 5) None of these
86. 243
25340 = ?
1) 4729 2) 4792 3) 4972
4) 4927 5) None of these
87. 92
2 = ?
1) 4.75 2) 5.75 3) 4.25
4) 5.25 5) None of these
= (11)
1) 3 2) 2 3) 1
4) 0 5) None of these
89. 283.56 + 142.04 + 661.78 = ?
1) 1084.28 2) 1087.28 3) 1080.38
4) 1082.48 5) None of these
90. 7028
1) 218.12 2) 281.21 3) 218.21
4) 282.12 5) None of these
91. 390.5
? = 284
2) 16 3)
4) 256 5) None of these
92. 12.5
7.6 = ?
1) 787 2) 788 3) 799
4) 789 5) None of these
93. 4477
5.5) = ?
1) 24.5 2) 21.5 3) 16.5
4) 18.5 5) None of these
94. 33.5 % of 250 = ?
1) 76.25 2) 82.25 3) 78.75
4) 83.75 5) None of these
96. 12 men alone can complete a piece of work in six days, whereas 10 men and 21
women take three days to complete the same piece of work. In how many days
can 12 women alone complete the same piece of work?
1) 10 2) 9 3) 11
4) 8 5) None of these
97. The owner of an electronic store charges his customer 11% more than the cost
price. If a customer paid Rs. 1,33,200 for an LED TV, what was the original
price of the TV?
1,20,000 2)
` 1,14,500 3)
` 1,22,500
` 1,18,000 5) None of these
98. The average age of a woman and her daughter is 19 years. The ratio of their
ages is 16 : 3. What is the age of the daughter?
1) 9 years 2) 3 years 3) 12 years
4) 6 years 5) None of these
100. A car covers a certain distance in three hours at the speed of 124 Km/hr. What
is the average speed of a truck which travels a distance of 120 Km less than the car
in the same time?
1) 88 km/hr 2) 84 km/hr 3) 78 km/hr
4) 73 km/hr 5) None of these
101. The cost of four calculators and two stencils is
` 6,200 what is the cost of ten
calculators and five stencils?
15,500 2)
14,875 3)
` 16,200
4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these
102. Find the average of the following set of scores: 214, 351, 109, 333, 752, 614,
456, 547
1) 482 2) 428 3) 444
4) 424 5) None of these
103. The average of four consecutive odd numbers A, B, C and D is 54. What is
the product of A and C?
1) 2907 2) 2805 3) 2703
4) 2915 5) None of these
104. The sum of 55% of a number and 40% of the same number is 180.5. What is
80% of that number?
1) 134 2) 152 3) 148
4) 166 5) None of these
105. There are 950 employees in an organisation, out of which 28% got promoted.
Find the number of employees who got promoted.
1) 226 2) 256 3) 266
4) 216 5) None of these
106. What is the least number to be added to 3000 to make it a perfect square?
1) 191 2) 136 3) 25
4) 84 5) None of these
107. What would be the compound interest obtained on an amount of
` 7,640 at the
rate of 15 pcpa after two years?
2,634.9 2)
` 2,643.9 3)
` 2,364.9
` 2,463.9 5) None of these
108 . In an examination it is required to get 65% of the aggregate marks to pass. A
student gets 874 marks and is declared failed by 10% marks. What is the maximum
aggregate marks a student can get?
1) 1450 2) 1640 3) 1500
4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these
109. A juice centre requires 35 dozen guavas for 28 days. How many dozen guavas
will it require for 36 days?
1) 50 2) 52 3) 40
4) 45 5) None of these
110. Mohan sold an item for
4,510 and incurred a loss of 45%. At what price
should he have sold the item to have earned a profit of 45%?
10,900 2)
` 12,620 3)
` 11,890
4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these
112. What would be the circumference of a circle whose area is 745.36 sq cm?
1) 94.4 cm 2) 88.8 cm 3) 96.3 cm
4) 87.4 cm 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 113-115): What will come in place of question mark(?) in the
number series?
113. 5 15 35 75 155 (?)
1) 295 2) 315 3) 275
4) 305 5) None of these
114. 3 6 18 72 360 (?)
1) 2160 2) 1800 3) 2520
4) 1440 5) None of these
115. 688 472 347 283 256 (?)
1) 236 2) 229 3) 255
4) 248 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 116-120): In each of these questions, an equation is given with a
question mark(?) in place of correct figure on the right hand side
which satisfies the equality. Based on the values on the left hand side
and the symbol of equality given, you have to decide which of the following
figures will satisfy the equality and, thus, come in place of question
Symbols stand for
> greater than
= equal to
< lesser than
either greater than or equal to
either lesser than or equal to
184}1.5 ] < (?)
0.7 2)
0.753 3)
0.75 5)
117. [(84
2 )
10 ] > (?)
1) (
784 )2
2) (28)
3) 750
3) 751.5 4) 749.9
118. [85
76} ]
1) �
103 2) �
103 3)
4) (51.5)
. 5)
119. �
[{ �
324 � �
256 }
4.5 ] = (?)
1) �
7 2) 8 3) �
4) 9 5) �
6} + {45
1) �
36 2) � �
1296 3) �
4) �
36 5) 1296 Test TTeesstt Test- -- -IV: General Awareness IV: General Awareness IV: General Awareness IV: General Awareness
121. USA has asked India to reduce its dependence on crude oil supply from which
of the following countries which is also a member of OPEC?
1) Venezuela 2) Iraq 3) Libya
4) Iran 5) Nigeria
122. Which of the following is the most essential financial service which should be
provided to the poor people to bring them into the network of financial inclusion?
1) Insurance for life
2) Investment plan for future
3) Pension for old age
4) A bank account where he/she can save small amount
5) Health insurance for minor illnesses and hospitalisation in case of need
123. Who among the following is the president of a country at present?
1) Rupert Murdoch 2) Ban ki-moon 3) Yoshihiko Noda
4) Nicolas Sarkozy 5) None of these
124. What does tha letter F denote in 'NBFCs', a term seen very frequently in
world these days?
1) Formal 2) Fiscal 3) Federal
4) Functional 5) Financial
125. Who among the following is the Deputy Governor of the RBI at present?
1) Sunil Mitra 2) Azim Premji 3) HR Khan
4) Sushma Nath 5) None of these
126. Standard and Poor's is a Credit Rating Agency of international repute. Which
of the following is one such agency of Indian origin?
127. Who among the following is the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh at present?
1) Akhilesh Yadav 2) Mulayam Singh Yadav
3) Mayawati 4) Amar Singh 5) None of these
128. Coin of which of the following denominations is called Small Coin?
` 1 2)
2 3)
` 5
4) 50 paise 5)
` 10
129. Which of the following is not a highlight of the Union Budget 2012-13?
1) No change in the rate of Corporate Tax.
2) All types of loans upto
35 lakh will be given on 6% interest only.
3) Service Tax raised from 10% to 12%.
4) Fiscal Deficit is targeted at 5.1% of GDP.
5) Substantial increase in Defence Budget.
130. Which of the following services products of banks is specially designed and
launched to help students?
1) Personal loan 2) Corporate loan 3) Business loan
4) Medical loan 5) Education loan
131. Which of the following terms is not directly associated with the functioning of
1) Open Market Operations 2) Cash Reserve Ratio 3) SENSEX
4) Liquidity Adjustment Facility 5) Public Debt Office
132. Which of the following is one of the major activities of the National Bank for
Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)?
1) On-site inspection of Cooperative Banks and Regional Rural Banks (RRBs)
2) Helping Govt of India in preparing Union Budget and presenting it in the
cabinet meeting.
3) Acting as custodian of the foreign exchange reserves of the country.
4) Deciding rate of interest on Savings Bank Accounts in Public Sector Banks.
5) Representing India in World Bank and other such agencies.
133. Dipika, who won Crocodile Challenge Cup Finals, in December 2011, is a
1) Badminton player 2) Table Tennis player 3) Lawn Tennis player
4) Chess player 5) Squash player
134. Who among the following is the recipient of Nobel Prize in Literature given
1) Bruce A Beutler 2) V S Naipaul 3) Thomas Transtromer
4) Ralph M Steinman 5) Chetan Bhagat
135. The 59th National Film Award for Best Actress was given to
1) Vidya Balan 2) Kareena Kapoor
3) Priyanka Chopra 4) Lara Dutta 5) Roopa Ganguly
136. Which of the following is the abbreviated name of the body/ agency set up to
boost foreign investments in India?
137. Which of the following is not considered infrastructural sector of the
1) Electricity 2) Textile Sector 3) Telecom
4) Cement 5) Road and Railways
138. Sachin Tendulkar made his 100th century in the match played between India
1) Pakistan 2) England 3) Australia
4) Bangladesh 5) Sri Lanka
139. Who among the following was awarded Padma Vibhushan in 2012?
1) TV Rajeswar 2) Aruna Irani 3) AR Rahman
4) Shabana Azmi 5) Anup Jalota
140. Which of the following countries is a member of BRICs?
1) Bhutan 2) Iran 3) Romania
4) Sudan 5) South Africa
141. Which of the following countries has recently placed its first space lab
'Tiangong-1' into orbit?
1) North Korea 2) Japan 3) India
4) France 5) China
142. Who among the following is the Solicitor General of India at present?
1) Jacob Mathew 2) Rohinton Nariman
3) Gopal Subramaniam 4) Ashok Chawla 5) None of these
143. Which of the following schemes has been launched by the Govt of India to
school children to attend school regularly?
1) Kutir Jyoti 2) Mid-Day Meal 3) MGNREGA
4) RAY 5) Bharat Nirman
144. As per the news published in various newspapers, govt is planning to set up a
regulatory body in educational field especially for
1) Higher Education 2) Medical Education
3) Elementary Education 4) Secondary Education 5) Adult Education
145. Which of the following countries has been selected as the host of
Commonwealth Games 2018?
1) India 2) Australia 3) Pakistan
4) South Africa 5) Sri Lanka
146. France has agreed to supply 'Rafale' to India. The deal is about the supply of
1) Warships 2) RADAR system 3) Fighter Aircrafts
4) Nuclear Reactors 5) Submarines
147. Seychelles, where China is going to set up its new military base, is a country
in the
1) Bay of Bengal 2) China Sea 3) Indian Ocean
4) Red Sea 5) Caspian Sea
148. Which of the following terms is used in the field of economics?
1) Absolute Zero 2) Molecular Equation 3) Zero Point Energy
4) Balance of Payment 5) Mass Defect
149. ' Kyoto Protocol', an agreement signed by various countries, is associated with
the field of
1) International trade 2) Clean environment and climate change.
3) Currency swap. 4) Deep sea mining and oil exploration.
5) Building a common food stock to save mankind in case of any natural calamity.
150. World AIDS Day is observed on which of the following days?
1) 1st December 2) 1st March 3) 1st April
4) 1st May 5) 1st January
151. USA decided to withdraw its army from which of the following countries
after a
nine-year long stay?
1) Afghanistan 2) Libya 3) Egypt
4) Iraq 5) Iran
152. Which of the following cups/trophies is associated with the game of Lawn
1) FIFA Cup 2) Champions Trophy 3) Ranji Trophy
4) Subroto Cup 5) Davis Cup
153. Which award is given to the coaches of sportspersons?
1) Dronacharya Award 2) Arjun Award 3) Kalidas Samman
4) Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna 5) Saraswati Samman
154. Which of the following terms is used in the game of Cricket?
1) Heave 2) Silly point 3) Tee
4) Smash 5) Grand Slam
155. Anew nuclear power plant is being set up in which of the following places in
1) Amethi 2) Firozabad 3) Jaitapur
4) Joshi Math 5) Satna
156. Which of the following schemes has been launched to make cities of India
1) Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission 2) Bharat Nirmal
3) Rajiv Awas Yojana 4) Indira Awas Yojana 5) None of these
157. Who among the following is a famous author of Indian origin?
1) Homi K Bhabha 2) Kiran Desai 3) Swati A Piramal
4) Shabana Azmi 5) Ronen Sen
158 . Who among the following has written the famous book Malgudi Days?
1) VS Naipaul 2) Deepak Chopra
3) Rabindranath Tagore 4) Vijay Tendulkar 5) RK Narayan
159. Which of the following is NOT the name of the currency of a country?
1) Rand 2) Pound 3) Dinar
4) Ecuador 5) Dollar
160. Which of the following is the unit of heat?
1) Joule 2) Ohm 3) Ampere
4) Volt 5) Newton Test TTeesstt Test- -- -V : Computer Knowledge VV :: CCoommppuutteerr KKnnoowwlleeddggee V : Computer Knowledge
161. What is backup?
1) Adding more components to your network.
2) Protecting data by copying it from the original source to a different destination.
3) Filtering old data from the new data.
4) Accessing data on tape
5) Using earlier data.
162. The legal right to use software based on specific restrictions is granted via a
1) software privacy policy 2) software license
3) software password manager 4) software log
5) None of these
163. What is an e-mail attachment?
1) A receipt sent by the recipient.
2) A separate document from another program sent along with an e-mail.
3) A malicious parasite that feeds on your messages and destroys and contents.
4) A list of CC or BCC recipients.
5) A friend to whom e-mail is sent regularly.
164. Which of the following is the type of software that controls the internal
in the computer and controls how the computer works with all its parts?
1) Shareware 2) Public domain software
3) Application software 4) Operating system software 5) None of these.
165. When data changes in multiple lists and all lists are not updated, this causes.
1) data redundancy 2) information overload
3) duplicate data 4) data consistency 5) data inconsistency
166. What is the main folder on a storage device called?
1) Root directory 2) interface 3) Device driver
4) Platform 5) Main directory
167. To view information on the Web you must have a
1) cable modem 2) Web browser 3) domain name server
4) hypertext viewer 5) None of these
168. A file is often referred to as a
1) Wizard 2) document 3) pane
4) device 5) documentation
169. To protect yourself from computer hacker intrusions you should install a
1) firewall 2) mailer 3) macro
4) script 5) None of these
170. What type of computers are client computers (most of the time) in a
1) Mainframe 2) Mini-computer 3) Microcomputer
4) PDA 5) None of these
171. What happens when you boot up a PC?
1) Portions of the operating system are copied from disk into memory.
2) Portions of the operating system are copied from memory onto disk.
3) Portions of the operating system are compiled.
4) Portions of the operating system are emulated.
5) The PC gets switched off.
172. Linux is an example of
1) freeware 2) open source software 3) shareware
4) complimentary 5) None of these
173. Which of the following software applications would be the most appropriate
for performing numerical and statistical calculations?
1) Database 2) Document processor 3) Graphics package
4) Spreadsheet 5) Power Point
174. A .......... is used to read hand written or printed text to make a digital image
that is stored in memory.
1) printer 2) laser beam 3) scanner
4) touchpad 5) None of these
175. You organise files by storing them in
1) archives 2) lists 3) indexes
4) folders 5) None of these
176. A................. is pre-designed document that already has coordinating fonts, a
layout, and a background.
1) guide 2) model 3) ruler
4) template 5) design-plate
177. What is the default file extension for all Word documents?
1) WRD 2) TXT 3) DOC
4) FIL 5) WD
178. Removing and replacing devices without turning off your computer is referred
to as
1) Hot swapping 2) Plug-n-Play 3) Bay swap
4) USB swapping 5) None of these.
179. Specialised programs that assist users in locating information on the Web are
1) information engines 2) locator engines 3) web browsers
4) resource locators 5) search engines
180. Compiling creates a(n)
1) error-free program 2) program specification 3) subroutine
4) algorithm 5) executable program
181. Expansion cards are inserted into
1) slots 2) peripheral devices 3) the CPU
4) the back of the computer 5) None of these
182. A device that connects to a network without the use of cable is said to be
1) distributed 2) non-wired 3) centralised
4) open source 5) wireless
183. Acomplete electronic circuit with transistors and other electronic components
on a small silicon chip is called a(n)
1) workstation 2) CPU 3) magnetic disk
4) integrated circuit 5) complex circuit
184. Junk e-mail is also called
1) crap 2) spoof 3) sniffer script
4) spool 5) spam
185. A program designed to destroy data on your computer which can travel to
"infect" other computers is called a
1) disease 2) torpedo 3) hurricane
4) virus 5) infector
186. ............... shows the files, folders, and drives on your computer, making it
easy to navigate from one location to another within the file hierarchy.
1) Microsoft Internet Explorer. 2) Windows Explorer
3) My Computer 4) Folders Manager 5) Windows Locator
187. The ...................... manual tells you how to use a software program.
1) Documentation 2) programming 3) user
4) Technical 5) designer
188. A collection of interrelated records is called a
1) utility file 2) management information system
3) database 4) spreadsheet 5) datasheet
1. 2; 2. 3; 3. 3; 4. 5; 5. 2; 6. 4; 7. 1; 8. 3; 9. 2; 10. 1; 11. 1; 12. 2; 13. 5; 14. 4; 15. 5;
16. 4; 17. 1; 18. 2; 19. 5; 20.1; 21. 3; 22. 5; 23. 2; 24. 3; 25. 1; 26. 4; 27. 4; 28. 3;
29. 1; 30. 5; 31. 2; 32. 5; 33. 2; 34. 2; 35. 4; 36. 1; 37. 5; 38. 4; 39. 5; 40. 2; 41. 5;
42. 2; 43. 3; 44. 5; 45. 4; 46. 2; 47. 3; 48. 1; 49. 4; 50. 1; 51. 1; 52. 5; 53. 3; 54. 1;
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In the RBI Assistant Exam questions were asked from the important segments like Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, English, General Awareness & Computer Aptitude.
Test TTeesstt Test- -- -I: Reasoning I: Reasoning I: Reasoning I: Reasoning
1. How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters PCYO
using all the letters, but each letter only once in each word?
1) None 2) One 3) Two
4) Three 5) More than three
2. The positions of the first and fifth letter of the word SUITABLE are
interchanged. Similarly, the positions of second and sixth letter, third and seventh
letter, and fourth and eighth letter are interchanged. In the New arrangement, how
many letters are there in the English alphabetical series between the alphabet
which is third from the left end and the alphabet which is second from the right
1) None 2) One 3) Two
4) Four 5) More than four
Directions (Q.3-4): Read the following information carefully and answer the
questions which follow.
Among A,B,C,D and E, each scored different marks in an examination. only one
person scored more than C. E scored more than A but less than D. D did not score
the highest marks. The one who scored the second lowest scored 71% marks. C
scored 92% marks.
3. Who among the following is most likely to have scored 87% marks?
1) A 2) B 3) D
4) E 5) Either A or D
4. Which of the following percentages is most likely to be B's percentage in the
1) 68% 2) 71% 3) 84%
4) 76% 5) 97%
Directions (Q.5-7): The following questions are based on the alphabetical
series given below.
5. What will come in place of question(?) mark in the following series based on the
above alphabetical series?
1) UKR 2) SRKU 3) RKUF
4) QSRK 5) FUK
6. If in a certain code, 'BIND' is coded as 'CLGB' and 'HELD' is coded as 'FDJB'
based on the series given above How will 'FORK' be coded in the same code
7. 'HC' is related to 'KQ' in a certain way. Similarly, 'OG' is related to 'AB' in the
same way. To which of the following is 'RK' related following the same pattern?
1) TJ 2) SI 3) TI
4) HD 5) IM
8. Each vowel of the word SAVOURY is changed to the next letter in the English
alphabetical series and each consonant is changed to the previous letter in the
English alphabetical series. If the new alphabets thus formed are arranged in
alphabetical order (from left to right), which of the following will be fifth from
the right?
1) U 2) R 3) Q
4) P 5) X
9. How many such pairs of letter are there in the word PACKETS, each of which
has as many letters between them in the word (in both forward and backward
directions) as they have between them in the English alphabetical series?
1) One 2) Two 3) Three
4) Four 5) More than four
10. Point P is 10 m to the West of Point A. Point B is 2m to the South of Point P.
Point Q is 6m to the East of Point B. Point C is 2m to the North of Point Q. Which
of the following three points fall in a straight line?
1) A,C,P 2) B, C,P 3) Q,C,A
4) A,B,Q 5) A,B,C
Directions (Q. 11-15): In these questions, relationship between different
elements is shown in the statement. The statements are following by two
conclusions. Give answer
1) if only conclusion I is true
2) if only conclusion II is true
3) if either conclusion I or II is true
4) if neither conclusion I nor II is true
5) if both conclusions I and II are true
11. Statements: H
I = J. K
Conclusions: I. K < H II. L > I
12. Statements: S > C
O; P < C
Conclusions: I. O < P II. S > p
13. Statements: A = B
C; A > R
Conclusions: I. B > R II. R < C
14. Statements: D > E
F; J < F
Conclusions: I. D > J II. E < J
15. Statements: P < Q > T; R
Conclusions: I. R > P II. T < R
Directions (Q. 16-20): Study the following information to answer the given
Eight People are sitting in two parallel rows containing four people each in such
a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1, A,B C
and D are sitting (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing
North. In row 2, P, Q, R and S are sitting (but not necessarily in the same order)
and all of them are facing South. Therefore, in the given section arrangement, each
member sitting in a row faces another member of the other row. S sits second to
left of Q. A faces the immediate neighbour of S. Only one person
sits between A and C. P does not face A. B is not an immediate neighbour of A.
16. Which of the following is true regarding D?
1) D sits an one of the extreme ends of the line.
2) A sits on the immediate left D.
3) Q faces D.
4) C is an immediate neighbour of D.
5) No immediate neighbour of D faces R.
17. Who among the following faces C?
1) P 2) Q 3) R
4) S 5) Cannot be determined
18. Who among the following sits on the immediate right of the person who faces
1) P 2) Q 3) R
4) S 5) Cannot be determined
19. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given seating
arrangement and thus form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that
1) A 2) Q 3) R
4) B 5) S
20. Who among the following faces R?
1) A 2) B 3) C
4) D 5) Cannot be determined
Directions (Q. 21-26): Study the following information to answer the given
In a certain code,
'time and money', is written as 'ma jo ki',
'manage time well' is written as 'pa ru jo',
'earn more money' is written as 'zi ha ma' and
'earn well enough' is written as 'si ru ha'.
21. What is the code for 'earn'?
1) si 2) ru 3) ha
4) ma 5) Cannot be determined
22. Which of the following represents 'more time'?
1) Pa jo 2) zi ki 3) ma ki
4) si jo 5) jo zi
23. What is the code for 'manage'?
1) ru 2) pa 3) jo
4) ha 5) Either 'jo' or 'ru'
24. Which of the following may represent' 'money matters'?
1) ki to 2) ma pa 3) fi ma
4) ha ma 5) ma jo
25. What does 'ru' stand for?
1) well 2) manage 3) time
4) enough 5) Either 'time' or 'enough'
26. Which of the following may represent 'good enough'?
1) ru si 2) da ha 3) si pa
4) si da 5) ki ru
Directions (Q. 27-33): Study the following information carefully and answer
given questions.
Eight friends - A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H - are sitting around a circle facing the
centre, but not necessarily in the same order. D sits third to left of A. A is an
immediate neighbour of the both F and H. Only one person sits between C and F.
B is not an immediate neighbour of D. Only one person sits between B and G.
27. A is related to G in a certain way. Similarly, C is related to H, according to the
given seating arrangement. Who among the following is related to F, following
the same pattern?
1) A 2) B 3) C
4) D 5) E
28. Who among the following sits second to the right of C?
1) F 2) A 3) D
4) G 5) H
29. What is the position of C with respect to the position of E?
1) Third to the left 2) Second to the left 3) Immediate right
4) Third to the right 5) Second to the right
30. Which of the following is true with respect to the given seating arrangement?
1) A sits on the immediate left of H.
2) B sits exactly between C and G.
3) F sits second to the right of C.
4) E is an immediate neighbour of C.
5) None is true
31. Which of the following pairs represents the immediate neighbours of G?
1) A, C 2) C, D 3) D, H
4) D, E 5) C,F
32. Who among the following sits exactly between C and F?
1) A 2) D 3) G
4) H 5) B
33. Starting from A, if all the friends are made to sit in alphabetical order in
clockwise direction, the positions of how many (excluding A) will remain
1) None 2) One 3) Two
4) Three 5) Four
Directions (Q. 34-37): In each question below are two statements followed by
two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the two given statements
to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly
known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically
follows from the given statements, disregarding commonly known
facts. Give answer.
1) if only conclusion I follows.
2) if only conclusion II follows.
3) if either conclusion I or II follows.
4) if neither conclusion I nor II follows.
5) if both conclusions I and II follow.
34. Statements: All exams are tests. No test is a question.
Conclusions: I. At least some exams are questions.
II. No exam is a question.
35. Statements: No bangle is an earring. Some earrings are rings.
Conclusions: I. No ring is a bangle.
II. Some rings are definitely not earnings.
36. Statements: Some banks are colleges. All colleges are schools.
Conclusions: I. At least some banks are schools.
II. All schools are colleges.
37. Statements: All rivers are lakes. All lakes are oceans.
Conclusions: I. All rivers are oceans.
II. At least some oceans are lakes.
Directions (Q. 38-40): Each of the questions below consists of a question and
two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether
the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read
both the statements and give answer
1) if the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the
data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
2) if the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the
data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
3) if the data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient to
answer the question.
4) if the data neither in statement I nor in statement II are sufficient to answer the
question statement
5) if the data in both the statements I and II together are necessary to answer the
38. On which date of the month was Parul born?
I. Her mother correctly remembers that she was born after 15th but before 21st
of April.
II. Her father correctly remembers that she was born after 18th but before 24th
of April.
39. How many brothers does Meghna have? Meghna is a girl.
I. Kishore, the father of Meghna, is the only child of Kamal. Kamal has only two
II. Jyoti, the daughter-in-law of Kamal, has son and a daughter.
40. Among P, Q, R, S and T, sitting in a straight line, facing North, who sits
in the middle of the line?
I. S sits third to the left of Q. S is an immediate neighbour of both P and T.
II. Two people sit between T and R. R does not sit at either of the extreme ends.
P sits second to the right of T. Test Test Test Test - -- - II: English II: English II: English II: English
Directions (Q. 41-45): Pick out the most effective word from the given words
to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete.
41. The government is planning to set ..... family welfare centres for slums in
1) another 2) with 3) for
4) in 5) up
42. Economic independence and education have women more assertive.
1) prepared 2) made 3) marked
4) resulted 5) adjusted
43. In the modern world, the ......... of change and scientific innovation is unusually
1) supplies 2) context 3) pace
4) fantasy 5) requirement
44. The unprecedented economic growth of china has ......... world wide attention.
1) perceived 2) proposed 3) neither
4) astonished 5) attracted
45. Each business activity ........... employment to people who would otherwise be
1) taking 2) finds 3) creates
4) provides 5) given
Directions (Q. 46-55): Read the following passage carefully and answer the
questions given below it. Certain words have been printed in bold to help
you locate while answering some of the questions.
The importance of communication skills cannot be underestimated, especially so,
in the teaching - learning process. Teaching is generally considered as only fifty
percent knowledge and fifty percent interpersonal or communication skills. For a
teacher, it is not just important to give a lecture rich in content that provides
abundant information about the subject or topic in question, but a successful
teacher develops an affinity with, an understanding of, and a harmonious
interrelationship with her pupils. Building rapport becomes her primary task in the
classroom. But what exactly is rapport? Rapport is a sympathetic relationship or
understanding that allows you to look at the world from someone else's
perspective. Making other people feel that you understand them creates a strong
bond. Building rapport is the first step to better communication
- the primary goal of all true educators. Communication skills for teachers
are thus as important as their in-depth knowledge of the particular subject which
they teach. To a surprising degree , how one communicates determines one's
effectiveness as a teacher. A study on communication styles suggests that 7% of
communication takes place through words, 38% through voice intonation and 55%
through body language. Much of teaching is about sending and receiving
messages. The process of communication is composed of three elements : the
source (sender, speaker, transmitter or instructor), the symbol used in composing
and transmitting of the message (words or signs), and the receiver (listener, reader
or student). The three elements are dynamically interrelated since each element is
dependent on the others for effective communication to take place. Effective
communication is all about conveying your message to the other people clearly and
unambiguously. It's also about receiving information the others are sending to you,
with as little distortion as possible. Doing this involves effort from both the sender
and the receiver. And it's a process that can be fraught with error, with messages
muddled by the sender, or misinterpreted by the reciepent. When this isn't detected
it can cause tremendous confusion, wasted effort and missed opportunity.
Good communication skills are a prerequisite for those in the teaching profession.
Carefully planned and skillfully delivered messages can issue invitations to
students that school is a place to share ideas, investigate and collaborate with
others. Effective communication is essential for a wellrun classroom. A teacher
who is able to communicate well with students can inspire them to learn and
participate in class and encourage them to come forth with their views, thus
creating a proper rapport. Although this sounds simple and obvious, it requires
much more than a teacher saying something out loud to a student. They must also
realise that all students have different levels of strengths and weaknesses.
Directions (Q. 46-47): Choose the word which is most OPPOSITE in meaning
of the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
46. Abundant
1) Small 2) Little 3) False
4) Sufficient 5) Rare
47. Muddled
1) Skillfully organised 2) Strongly controlled
3) Clearly conveyed 4) Isolated 5) Complicated
Directions (Q. 48-50): Choose the word which is most SIMILAR in meaning to
the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
48. Sounds
1) Seems 2) Corrects 3) Noises
4) Takes 5) Silences.
49. Affinity
1) Partnership 2) Partiality 3) Weakness
4) Compatibility 5) Discord
50. Degree
1) Extent 2) Goal 3) Affect
4) Situation 5) Direction
51. Which of the following is/are essential for effective communication?
(A) Conveying the message clearly
(B) Not to waste effort and opportunity
(C) Receiving the information with as little distortion as possible.
1) Only (A) and (C) 2) Only (B) 3) Only (A)
4) Only (C) 5) Only (B) and (C)
52. Which of the following is true about 'rapport' as per the passage?
(A) It is a sympathetic relationship.
(B) It is based on understanding of other people's frame of reference.
(C) It helps in creating a strong bond.
(D) It is important for teachers to build rapport with students.
1) Only (A) and (B) 2) Only (B) and (D) 3) Only (A), (B) and (D)
4) Only (A), (B) and (C) 5) All are true
53. Which of the following must the teachers keep in mind to facilitate learning in
student as per the passage?
1) To control the students such that they do not share ideas with others within the
lecture hours.
2) To maintain rapport with students and compromise on the course content.
3) To realise hat all students have different levels of strengths and weaknesses.
4) Only to keep the lecture rich in course content.
5) To ensure that students adhere to her views only.
54. Which of the following are the three elements of communication as per the
1) Source, Signs and Students
2) Source, Sender and Speaker
3) Signs, Words and Students
4) Instructor, Listener and Reader
5) Transmitter, Students and Receiver
55. Which of the following is the finding of the study on communication styles?
1) The body language and gestures account for 38% of communication and
the voice intonation.
2) Only 9% communication is about content whereas the rest is about our tone
and body language.
3) The tone of our voice accounts for 55% of what we communicate and outweighs
the body language.
4) More than 90% of our communication is not about content but about our tone
and body language.
5) Teaching is fifty percent knowledge and fifty per cent interpersonal for
communication skills.
Directions (Q. 56-65): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any
error in it. The error if any, will be in one part of the sentence.
The number of that part is the answer. If there is 'No error', the
answer is (5). (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.)
56. The economic disparity/ has grown rapid in/ the era of globalisation/
1) 2) 3) and free market forces/ No error
4) 5)
57. Research shows that people/ is more sensitive to perceiving/ messages that are
consistent/ with their opinions and attitudes./ No error
1) 2)
3) 4) 5 )
58. Many poverty alleviation schemes/ are not applicable of/ slum dwellers in
metro cities/ as they are above the poverty line/ No error
1) 2)
3) 4) 5)
59. Rather than considering its/ human capital as a drain on/ resources, India needs
to/ resource develop its into a huge opportunity./ No error
1) 2)
3) 4) 5)
60. The European nations have / become one of the / favourite destinations of the
Indian students/ seek specialised Knowledge and training./ No error
1) 2) 3)
4) 5)
61. If a credit card bill/ is paid in full and / on time, none finance/ charges are
levied./ No error
1) 2)
3) 4) 5)
62. Training have a / positive effect on / development of various/ skills and
abilities. / No error
1) 2) 3)
4) 5)
63. Lack of ability to / read or write is just one of / the all barriers that keep/ the
poor people under developed. / No error
1) 2)
3) 4) 5)
64. Science and technology have/ become dominant factors/ affecting our
economic, cultural/ and spiritual development./ No error
1) 2)
3) 4) 5)
65. A social business sells products/ at prices that make it Self- sustaining, pays /
no dividends and reinvestment / the profits in the business./ No error
1) 2)
3) 4) 5)
Directions (Q.66-75): In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which
has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and
against each five words are suggested one of which fits the blank
Find out the appropriate word in each case.
The latest technology ( 66 ) put to use or about to arrive in market must be (67 ) to
all entrepreneurs. The reason is that it may have an ( 68 ) effect on business. Valve
radio's gave way to transistor radios and with micro chips, technology is giving
to digital equipment. Business has ( 69 ) the same but the technology has kept
A notable feature is that the size of the receivers decreased ( 70 ) so did the use of
its material and consequently its price. The traditional flour mills are losing
(71 ) customers now buy flour ( 72 ) from the market. As a result of this, the business
(73 ) Following the same lines as technology, the social trends also go on changing
influence the market. The Indian sarees are being taken ( 74 ) by readymade stitched
clothes. Every entrepreneur must note such changes in the environment and also
technology and plan in ( 75 ) with these to ensure the success of his endeavour.
66. 1) to 2) needed 3) decided
4) besides 5) being
67. 1) hoped 2) welcome 3) released
4) Known 5) aware
68. 1) approximate 2) huge 3) uniform
4) excellence 5) enormous
69. 1) maintained 2) remained 3) often
4) mentioned 5) become
70. 1) mainly 2) and 3) how
4) also 5) some
71. 1) reason 2) due 3) young
4) as 5) old
72. 1) knowingly 2) ease 3) cheap
4) directly 5) forcefully
73. 1) shrinking 2) blooming 3) returned
4) same 5) small
74. 1) against 2) to 3) over
4) up 5) for
75. 1) lines 2) relativity 3) accordance
4) proper 5) toning
Directions (Q. 76-80): Rearrange the following five sentences (A), (B), (C), (D)
and (E) in a proper sequence so as to form a meaningful paragraph,
and then answer the questions given below.
(A) Understandably, the newly married woman herself wants to spend more time
with the family.
(B) They also worry that she might not be able to defend herself in case of trouble.
(C) Once married, the in-law exert a lot of pressure for similar cause of security.
(D) Initially, the family does not want the "decent" girl going all around.
(E) Retaining female workers at door-to-door sales jobs is just as hard as ever.
76. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?
1) E 2) B 3) D
4) C 5) A
77. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?
1) A 2) C 3) D
4) B 5) E
78. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?
1) D 2) B 3) C
4) E 5) A
79. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?
1) C 2) A 3) E
4) D 5) B
80. Which of the following should be the LAST (FIFTH) sentence after
1) B 2) D 3) C
Directions (Q. 81-95): What should come in place of question mark (?) in the
following questions?
81. ?
24 = 5652
1) 171.75 2) 117.25 3) 171.25
4) 117.75 5) None of these
82. 5
? = 4808
1) 122.2 2) 112.2 3) 120.2
4) 102.2 5) None of these
83. 65% of 654 - ? % of 860 = 210.1
1) 25 2) 15 3) 20
4) 30 5) None of these
84. 35154
5201 = ?
1) 9488 2) 9844 3) 9484
4) 9848 5) None of these
86. 243
25340 = ?
1) 4729 2) 4792 3) 4972
4) 4927 5) None of these
87. 92
2 = ?
1) 4.75 2) 5.75 3) 4.25
4) 5.25 5) None of these
= (11)
1) 3 2) 2 3) 1
4) 0 5) None of these
89. 283.56 + 142.04 + 661.78 = ?
1) 1084.28 2) 1087.28 3) 1080.38
4) 1082.48 5) None of these
90. 7028
1) 218.12 2) 281.21 3) 218.21
4) 282.12 5) None of these
91. 390.5
? = 284
2) 16 3)
4) 256 5) None of these
92. 12.5
7.6 = ?
1) 787 2) 788 3) 799
4) 789 5) None of these
93. 4477
5.5) = ?
1) 24.5 2) 21.5 3) 16.5
4) 18.5 5) None of these
94. 33.5 % of 250 = ?
1) 76.25 2) 82.25 3) 78.75
4) 83.75 5) None of these
96. 12 men alone can complete a piece of work in six days, whereas 10 men and 21
women take three days to complete the same piece of work. In how many days
can 12 women alone complete the same piece of work?
1) 10 2) 9 3) 11
4) 8 5) None of these
97. The owner of an electronic store charges his customer 11% more than the cost
price. If a customer paid Rs. 1,33,200 for an LED TV, what was the original
price of the TV?
1,20,000 2)
` 1,14,500 3)
` 1,22,500
` 1,18,000 5) None of these
98. The average age of a woman and her daughter is 19 years. The ratio of their
ages is 16 : 3. What is the age of the daughter?
1) 9 years 2) 3 years 3) 12 years
4) 6 years 5) None of these
100. A car covers a certain distance in three hours at the speed of 124 Km/hr. What
is the average speed of a truck which travels a distance of 120 Km less than the car
in the same time?
1) 88 km/hr 2) 84 km/hr 3) 78 km/hr
4) 73 km/hr 5) None of these
101. The cost of four calculators and two stencils is
` 6,200 what is the cost of ten
calculators and five stencils?
15,500 2)
14,875 3)
` 16,200
4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these
102. Find the average of the following set of scores: 214, 351, 109, 333, 752, 614,
456, 547
1) 482 2) 428 3) 444
4) 424 5) None of these
103. The average of four consecutive odd numbers A, B, C and D is 54. What is
the product of A and C?
1) 2907 2) 2805 3) 2703
4) 2915 5) None of these
104. The sum of 55% of a number and 40% of the same number is 180.5. What is
80% of that number?
1) 134 2) 152 3) 148
4) 166 5) None of these
105. There are 950 employees in an organisation, out of which 28% got promoted.
Find the number of employees who got promoted.
1) 226 2) 256 3) 266
4) 216 5) None of these
106. What is the least number to be added to 3000 to make it a perfect square?
1) 191 2) 136 3) 25
4) 84 5) None of these
107. What would be the compound interest obtained on an amount of
` 7,640 at the
rate of 15 pcpa after two years?
2,634.9 2)
` 2,643.9 3)
` 2,364.9
` 2,463.9 5) None of these
108 . In an examination it is required to get 65% of the aggregate marks to pass. A
student gets 874 marks and is declared failed by 10% marks. What is the maximum
aggregate marks a student can get?
1) 1450 2) 1640 3) 1500
4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these
109. A juice centre requires 35 dozen guavas for 28 days. How many dozen guavas
will it require for 36 days?
1) 50 2) 52 3) 40
4) 45 5) None of these
110. Mohan sold an item for
4,510 and incurred a loss of 45%. At what price
should he have sold the item to have earned a profit of 45%?
10,900 2)
` 12,620 3)
` 11,890
4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these
112. What would be the circumference of a circle whose area is 745.36 sq cm?
1) 94.4 cm 2) 88.8 cm 3) 96.3 cm
4) 87.4 cm 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 113-115): What will come in place of question mark(?) in the
number series?
113. 5 15 35 75 155 (?)
1) 295 2) 315 3) 275
4) 305 5) None of these
114. 3 6 18 72 360 (?)
1) 2160 2) 1800 3) 2520
4) 1440 5) None of these
115. 688 472 347 283 256 (?)
1) 236 2) 229 3) 255
4) 248 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 116-120): In each of these questions, an equation is given with a
question mark(?) in place of correct figure on the right hand side
which satisfies the equality. Based on the values on the left hand side
and the symbol of equality given, you have to decide which of the following
figures will satisfy the equality and, thus, come in place of question
Symbols stand for
> greater than
= equal to
< lesser than
either greater than or equal to
either lesser than or equal to
184}1.5 ] < (?)
0.7 2)
0.753 3)
0.75 5)
117. [(84
2 )
10 ] > (?)
1) (
784 )2
2) (28)
3) 750
3) 751.5 4) 749.9
118. [85
76} ]
1) �
103 2) �
103 3)
4) (51.5)
. 5)
119. �
[{ �
324 � �
256 }
4.5 ] = (?)
1) �
7 2) 8 3) �
4) 9 5) �
6} + {45
1) �
36 2) � �
1296 3) �
4) �
36 5) 1296 Test TTeesstt Test- -- -IV: General Awareness IV: General Awareness IV: General Awareness IV: General Awareness
121. USA has asked India to reduce its dependence on crude oil supply from which
of the following countries which is also a member of OPEC?
1) Venezuela 2) Iraq 3) Libya
4) Iran 5) Nigeria
122. Which of the following is the most essential financial service which should be
provided to the poor people to bring them into the network of financial inclusion?
1) Insurance for life
2) Investment plan for future
3) Pension for old age
4) A bank account where he/she can save small amount
5) Health insurance for minor illnesses and hospitalisation in case of need
123. Who among the following is the president of a country at present?
1) Rupert Murdoch 2) Ban ki-moon 3) Yoshihiko Noda
4) Nicolas Sarkozy 5) None of these
124. What does tha letter F denote in 'NBFCs', a term seen very frequently in
world these days?
1) Formal 2) Fiscal 3) Federal
4) Functional 5) Financial
125. Who among the following is the Deputy Governor of the RBI at present?
1) Sunil Mitra 2) Azim Premji 3) HR Khan
4) Sushma Nath 5) None of these
126. Standard and Poor's is a Credit Rating Agency of international repute. Which
of the following is one such agency of Indian origin?
127. Who among the following is the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh at present?
1) Akhilesh Yadav 2) Mulayam Singh Yadav
3) Mayawati 4) Amar Singh 5) None of these
128. Coin of which of the following denominations is called Small Coin?
` 1 2)
2 3)
` 5
4) 50 paise 5)
` 10
129. Which of the following is not a highlight of the Union Budget 2012-13?
1) No change in the rate of Corporate Tax.
2) All types of loans upto
35 lakh will be given on 6% interest only.
3) Service Tax raised from 10% to 12%.
4) Fiscal Deficit is targeted at 5.1% of GDP.
5) Substantial increase in Defence Budget.
130. Which of the following services products of banks is specially designed and
launched to help students?
1) Personal loan 2) Corporate loan 3) Business loan
4) Medical loan 5) Education loan
131. Which of the following terms is not directly associated with the functioning of
1) Open Market Operations 2) Cash Reserve Ratio 3) SENSEX
4) Liquidity Adjustment Facility 5) Public Debt Office
132. Which of the following is one of the major activities of the National Bank for
Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)?
1) On-site inspection of Cooperative Banks and Regional Rural Banks (RRBs)
2) Helping Govt of India in preparing Union Budget and presenting it in the
cabinet meeting.
3) Acting as custodian of the foreign exchange reserves of the country.
4) Deciding rate of interest on Savings Bank Accounts in Public Sector Banks.
5) Representing India in World Bank and other such agencies.
133. Dipika, who won Crocodile Challenge Cup Finals, in December 2011, is a
1) Badminton player 2) Table Tennis player 3) Lawn Tennis player
4) Chess player 5) Squash player
134. Who among the following is the recipient of Nobel Prize in Literature given
1) Bruce A Beutler 2) V S Naipaul 3) Thomas Transtromer
4) Ralph M Steinman 5) Chetan Bhagat
135. The 59th National Film Award for Best Actress was given to
1) Vidya Balan 2) Kareena Kapoor
3) Priyanka Chopra 4) Lara Dutta 5) Roopa Ganguly
136. Which of the following is the abbreviated name of the body/ agency set up to
boost foreign investments in India?
137. Which of the following is not considered infrastructural sector of the
1) Electricity 2) Textile Sector 3) Telecom
4) Cement 5) Road and Railways
138. Sachin Tendulkar made his 100th century in the match played between India
1) Pakistan 2) England 3) Australia
4) Bangladesh 5) Sri Lanka
139. Who among the following was awarded Padma Vibhushan in 2012?
1) TV Rajeswar 2) Aruna Irani 3) AR Rahman
4) Shabana Azmi 5) Anup Jalota
140. Which of the following countries is a member of BRICs?
1) Bhutan 2) Iran 3) Romania
4) Sudan 5) South Africa
141. Which of the following countries has recently placed its first space lab
'Tiangong-1' into orbit?
1) North Korea 2) Japan 3) India
4) France 5) China
142. Who among the following is the Solicitor General of India at present?
1) Jacob Mathew 2) Rohinton Nariman
3) Gopal Subramaniam 4) Ashok Chawla 5) None of these
143. Which of the following schemes has been launched by the Govt of India to
school children to attend school regularly?
1) Kutir Jyoti 2) Mid-Day Meal 3) MGNREGA
4) RAY 5) Bharat Nirman
144. As per the news published in various newspapers, govt is planning to set up a
regulatory body in educational field especially for
1) Higher Education 2) Medical Education
3) Elementary Education 4) Secondary Education 5) Adult Education
145. Which of the following countries has been selected as the host of
Commonwealth Games 2018?
1) India 2) Australia 3) Pakistan
4) South Africa 5) Sri Lanka
146. France has agreed to supply 'Rafale' to India. The deal is about the supply of
1) Warships 2) RADAR system 3) Fighter Aircrafts
4) Nuclear Reactors 5) Submarines
147. Seychelles, where China is going to set up its new military base, is a country
in the
1) Bay of Bengal 2) China Sea 3) Indian Ocean
4) Red Sea 5) Caspian Sea
148. Which of the following terms is used in the field of economics?
1) Absolute Zero 2) Molecular Equation 3) Zero Point Energy
4) Balance of Payment 5) Mass Defect
149. ' Kyoto Protocol', an agreement signed by various countries, is associated with
the field of
1) International trade 2) Clean environment and climate change.
3) Currency swap. 4) Deep sea mining and oil exploration.
5) Building a common food stock to save mankind in case of any natural calamity.
150. World AIDS Day is observed on which of the following days?
1) 1st December 2) 1st March 3) 1st April
4) 1st May 5) 1st January
151. USA decided to withdraw its army from which of the following countries
after a
nine-year long stay?
1) Afghanistan 2) Libya 3) Egypt
4) Iraq 5) Iran
152. Which of the following cups/trophies is associated with the game of Lawn
1) FIFA Cup 2) Champions Trophy 3) Ranji Trophy
4) Subroto Cup 5) Davis Cup
153. Which award is given to the coaches of sportspersons?
1) Dronacharya Award 2) Arjun Award 3) Kalidas Samman
4) Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna 5) Saraswati Samman
154. Which of the following terms is used in the game of Cricket?
1) Heave 2) Silly point 3) Tee
4) Smash 5) Grand Slam
155. Anew nuclear power plant is being set up in which of the following places in
1) Amethi 2) Firozabad 3) Jaitapur
4) Joshi Math 5) Satna
156. Which of the following schemes has been launched to make cities of India
1) Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission 2) Bharat Nirmal
3) Rajiv Awas Yojana 4) Indira Awas Yojana 5) None of these
157. Who among the following is a famous author of Indian origin?
1) Homi K Bhabha 2) Kiran Desai 3) Swati A Piramal
4) Shabana Azmi 5) Ronen Sen
158 . Who among the following has written the famous book Malgudi Days?
1) VS Naipaul 2) Deepak Chopra
3) Rabindranath Tagore 4) Vijay Tendulkar 5) RK Narayan
159. Which of the following is NOT the name of the currency of a country?
1) Rand 2) Pound 3) Dinar
4) Ecuador 5) Dollar
160. Which of the following is the unit of heat?
1) Joule 2) Ohm 3) Ampere
4) Volt 5) Newton Test TTeesstt Test- -- -V : Computer Knowledge VV :: CCoommppuutteerr KKnnoowwlleeddggee V : Computer Knowledge
161. What is backup?
1) Adding more components to your network.
2) Protecting data by copying it from the original source to a different destination.
3) Filtering old data from the new data.
4) Accessing data on tape
5) Using earlier data.
162. The legal right to use software based on specific restrictions is granted via a
1) software privacy policy 2) software license
3) software password manager 4) software log
5) None of these
163. What is an e-mail attachment?
1) A receipt sent by the recipient.
2) A separate document from another program sent along with an e-mail.
3) A malicious parasite that feeds on your messages and destroys and contents.
4) A list of CC or BCC recipients.
5) A friend to whom e-mail is sent regularly.
164. Which of the following is the type of software that controls the internal
in the computer and controls how the computer works with all its parts?
1) Shareware 2) Public domain software
3) Application software 4) Operating system software 5) None of these.
165. When data changes in multiple lists and all lists are not updated, this causes.
1) data redundancy 2) information overload
3) duplicate data 4) data consistency 5) data inconsistency
166. What is the main folder on a storage device called?
1) Root directory 2) interface 3) Device driver
4) Platform 5) Main directory
167. To view information on the Web you must have a
1) cable modem 2) Web browser 3) domain name server
4) hypertext viewer 5) None of these
168. A file is often referred to as a
1) Wizard 2) document 3) pane
4) device 5) documentation
169. To protect yourself from computer hacker intrusions you should install a
1) firewall 2) mailer 3) macro
4) script 5) None of these
170. What type of computers are client computers (most of the time) in a
1) Mainframe 2) Mini-computer 3) Microcomputer
4) PDA 5) None of these
171. What happens when you boot up a PC?
1) Portions of the operating system are copied from disk into memory.
2) Portions of the operating system are copied from memory onto disk.
3) Portions of the operating system are compiled.
4) Portions of the operating system are emulated.
5) The PC gets switched off.
172. Linux is an example of
1) freeware 2) open source software 3) shareware
4) complimentary 5) None of these
173. Which of the following software applications would be the most appropriate
for performing numerical and statistical calculations?
1) Database 2) Document processor 3) Graphics package
4) Spreadsheet 5) Power Point
174. A .......... is used to read hand written or printed text to make a digital image
that is stored in memory.
1) printer 2) laser beam 3) scanner
4) touchpad 5) None of these
175. You organise files by storing them in
1) archives 2) lists 3) indexes
4) folders 5) None of these
176. A................. is pre-designed document that already has coordinating fonts, a
layout, and a background.
1) guide 2) model 3) ruler
4) template 5) design-plate
177. What is the default file extension for all Word documents?
1) WRD 2) TXT 3) DOC
4) FIL 5) WD
178. Removing and replacing devices without turning off your computer is referred
to as
1) Hot swapping 2) Plug-n-Play 3) Bay swap
4) USB swapping 5) None of these.
179. Specialised programs that assist users in locating information on the Web are
1) information engines 2) locator engines 3) web browsers
4) resource locators 5) search engines
180. Compiling creates a(n)
1) error-free program 2) program specification 3) subroutine
4) algorithm 5) executable program
181. Expansion cards are inserted into
1) slots 2) peripheral devices 3) the CPU
4) the back of the computer 5) None of these
182. A device that connects to a network without the use of cable is said to be
1) distributed 2) non-wired 3) centralised
4) open source 5) wireless
183. Acomplete electronic circuit with transistors and other electronic components
on a small silicon chip is called a(n)
1) workstation 2) CPU 3) magnetic disk
4) integrated circuit 5) complex circuit
184. Junk e-mail is also called
1) crap 2) spoof 3) sniffer script
4) spool 5) spam
185. A program designed to destroy data on your computer which can travel to
"infect" other computers is called a
1) disease 2) torpedo 3) hurricane
4) virus 5) infector
186. ............... shows the files, folders, and drives on your computer, making it
easy to navigate from one location to another within the file hierarchy.
1) Microsoft Internet Explorer. 2) Windows Explorer
3) My Computer 4) Folders Manager 5) Windows Locator
187. The ...................... manual tells you how to use a software program.
1) Documentation 2) programming 3) user
4) Technical 5) designer
188. A collection of interrelated records is called a
1) utility file 2) management information system
3) database 4) spreadsheet 5) datasheet
1. 2; 2. 3; 3. 3; 4. 5; 5. 2; 6. 4; 7. 1; 8. 3; 9. 2; 10. 1; 11. 1; 12. 2; 13. 5; 14. 4; 15. 5;
16. 4; 17. 1; 18. 2; 19. 5; 20.1; 21. 3; 22. 5; 23. 2; 24. 3; 25. 1; 26. 4; 27. 4; 28. 3;
29. 1; 30. 5; 31. 2; 32. 5; 33. 2; 34. 2; 35. 4; 36. 1; 37. 5; 38. 4; 39. 5; 40. 2; 41. 5;
42. 2; 43. 3; 44. 5; 45. 4; 46. 2; 47. 3; 48. 1; 49. 4; 50. 1; 51. 1; 52. 5; 53. 3; 54. 1;
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