Chromium is an open source project from Google that was released with the BSD License. Chromium has the same rendering engine in Safari called WebKit. Then, how to install Chromium on Ubuntu? It is simple!I am using Karmic Koala, the following way should be works on Interpid or Jaunty. You just need to adjust the distribution name.

It is assumed that you have logged in as root.

First, add the following two lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list :

<br />deb karmic main<br/> deb-src karmic main<br />

Add the apt-key with the following command :
add-apt-key ppa:chromium-daily/ppa

then, update the repository index.
apt-get update

Almost done, install the Chromium package now :
apt-get install chromium-browser

You can browse with your new Chromium.

[caption id="attachment_4207" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Chromium"][/caption]


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