Are you web developer ?? or programmer ?? and want to create or edit any kind of file related your occupation with in your mobile ?? Then you must have to use J2MEdit. there are many reasons why you must have to use J2MEdit major one is its works on mobiles so you can continue your work while traveling.

J2MEdit is a symbian mobile applications which let you create or edit any kind of can easily edit or create any kind of file with in your mobile whether its java,php,html,text or or any c or c++ documentation file with in single click with the help of it .

Here is a some screen shots from my mobile have a look and give your feed back

[caption id="attachment_733" align="aligncenter" width="476" caption="Programing in Mobile"]Easily Edit/Create Any php/java/c,c++/html file in your mobile[/caption]


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