To have an internet connection on your phone, you must have it enabled on your card first. To enable it check out local schemes from your retailer and enable it. I have a 2G plan, Rs. 98/month for 2GB.
In most cases, once the above step is done, a 'E' symbol representing Edge, or 'G' representing GPRS or '3G' representing well, 3G will appear on your notification bar. So you’re good to go. If not continue on then.
[caption id="attachment_728" align="aligncenter" width="168" caption="The 3G icon in the notification bar indicates 3G is enabled."]
Open up Settings => Wireless and Networks => Mobile Networks => Access Point Names (or something similar, it differs on each phone. You just need to find where you can put in an Access Point Name or APN.) Once you reach here, create a new Access Point Name (or modify the existing one, your choice) and put in the following details exactly:
- Name: Airtel
- APN:
- APN Type: Internet
That’s it nothing else. Save it, enable it, restart phone. The net should be active by now. Still no? Continue on.
Well at this state you probably might have started repenting your Big Switch from Nokia to Android but don't worry I too had to go through all these steps.
But your final alternative unfortunately is to call up the support center @ 121. A better alternative however would be to mail their support desk @ My experience with them definitely calls for the email support over the phone.
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