How do you reset a forgotten iPod password? Well it’s pretty easy to remove or reset iPod password without restoring your iPod. Before an hour ago i have unlock an old iPod which i was not able to do screen unlock, because of not having password (forgotten password).


Steps to reset iPod Password are as follows:

  1. Plug in your iPod with Computer. I am presuming that iTunes would be already installed in your computer.

  2. Go to “My Computer“.

  3. Go to your iPod’s drive (J drive for me – it can vary computer to computer).

  4. Go to Tools >> Folder Options >> View Tab >> and check Show Hidden files and folders.

Show Hidden Files and Folders

    1. Make sure you can see all hidden folders after doing above settings.

    2. After that Open iPod_Control folder.

    3. Open folder called “Device“.

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Unlocked iPod Device

  1. And then change file name from _locked, to _unlocked.

- I Hope after following above steps you will not require to enter any password to access your music, photos, videos and contacts.

- By default screen lock would be Off in iPod but if you want to make it On then you can do it from Settings >> Main Menu >> Extras >> Screen Lock and make it On and done.

Note: If above trick doesn’t work for you then, you can try to detect iPod in iTunes in some of your friends PC and try to erase the sync data when asked.


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