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There are a number of different advantages to using Dropbox, such as virtually no necessary setup and reliable up-time.  On the other side, you only get 2GB for free without performing any of the tasks needed to gain some extra free space, which may be a bit small for some people.


Long-time users of Skydrive may have even been able to keep their larger capacities before Microsoft downsized them a bit, and I’m sure those people want to take advantage of all the space that they have. For Skydrive, the only downside is that there isn’t an application which supports the service. Instead, in order to do a cloud backup to Skydrive,


The only downsides to Bitcasa are that the unlimited space costs $10/month – you do get 10GB for free though. As a whole, the service is quite popular (although not as popular as Dropbox), and the number of Linux users is rather small as they’re currently offering an alpha client for Ubuntu.

Deja Dup

It is a common back up solution found on most distributions which use the Gnome desktop environment, including Unity. Déjà Dup is more of a traditional backup solution because you can choose a number of different locations, such as a second hard drive, a remote server via numerous protocols, or your Ubuntu One drive if you’re using it on Ubuntu.


You can either safely back up your files to their dedicated servers for a fee, or use a different computer in your Crashplan “network” to host your backed up files.

This is great if you have a home server, because Crashplan can be installed on all computers including the server, and then configuring the clients to use the server as the storage space for all the backups is really easy.


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